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Ed & The Blooze 70

by Ed Polinsky, May 8th, 2009

About 8 years ago I broke my knee cap at public skating and yes it did hurt for many weeks. The part that hurt the most was that I had just signed up for my first power skating course and had to cancel as my knee wouldn't be ready in time.
I signed up for Dennise Bowles power skating the next year. I had been skating for a long time but never had a lesson and wished to improve my hockey skills and figured better skating was the first thing that needed improving.
At the age of 63 I attended my first class ever to learn how to skate better. I found out that you can teach an old dog new tricks, it just takes longer, " A lot longer". I have taken probably about 7 or 8 of Dennise's classes and look forward to them every year.
She is a fantastic teacher and for us older students it takes a lot of patience.
The lessons finally paid off, as this year I was asked to play for "The Victoria Blooze" over 70 Team in the Playmakers Tournament.
Saskatoon  0    Victoria Blooze  4
Edmonton   2     Victoria Blooze 4
Calgary      1     Victoria Blooze 2  ( Shoot Out , Sixth. Round)
This was definitely the highlight of my hockey career and I can credit most of it to Dennise Bowles.
Thank You Dennise
Ed Polinsky

Post filed under: Student

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